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Passionate. Patient. Persistent

Our Services

Dog training 1 to1

Dog Training

We provide a variety of training services aimed at fostering a harmonious relationship between you and your furry friends. Our offerings include personalized 1-2-1 training and behavioural support, which extends to real-life situations and home visits. We also offer group classes, National Pet Code Certification, and residential training options. Our commitment to your pet's well-being continues with our ongoing support through our Dog Walk and Train service. Let us help you and your canine companions thrive together.

Dog Walking

Our diverse dog walking services cater to all your dog's needs. We offer personalized 1-2-1 walks for nervous or reactive dogs, structured "Walk and Train" sessions for specific training, and sociable pack migrations with off-lead play and training. Our pack walks with owners cover various terrains for environmental exposure, and our exercise sessions include off-lead activities, obedience drills, agility, and scent work led by qualified trainers. Join us for top-tier dog walking, including owner-led pack walks.

Nutrition Advice

We advocate for the best for our pets and the foundation of this is nutrition.  For us this means a species appropriate diet and a common sense approach to chemical treatments being given.  We advise and also sell a range of:


Raw feeding (referral program currently, resales coming soon)


Natural treats made by ourselves to ensure optimum motivation, reward and nutrition. Nothing nasty added. 

Flea/Tick/Worm prevention with  natural methods.

UK Scent Sport

UK Scent Sport is a new sport for dogs to get their nose working and to build a strong team with you and your dog.


There are 4 leagues, each with 4 components in which you and your dog can progress through 5 levels, from Novice to Master.  The components are:

  1. Kong Search

  2. Scent Match

  3. Catnip Retrieve

  4. Trail ID


You can go through all components or as a little as 1. Fulfill your dogs potential and achieve ribbons, rosettes and certifactes for each successul level achieved.  Assessments are when you are ready so the pace your progress can be tailored to suit you and your dog.  

We want this to be super fun and no pressure.  


Residential Training and Training Bundles

Kick start your training journey with our residential training plans.


  • Residential Puppy Course

  • Behaviour Bundle

  • 6 for 5 on classes

  • Perfect Puppy course 

  • ​

We can also tailor plans for you and your dog to incorporate walk and trains with our head trainer on top of your regular classes or bundles. Contact us to discuss this option.

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